
What’s in a WordPress website care report?

If you decide to sign up for a WordPress Support Package, you are automatically enrolled in a detailed, monthly Website Care Report. Curious about what’s included?

Depending on your level of technical website knowledge, you may have a question or two about the results. We put together some details below to help answer the most frequently asked questions we’ve received about the monthly report.

Even if you haven’t signed up for a care plan with us, the info below can still come in handy if you’re thinking about what you may need to do for website maintenance. Honestly, our clients love the simplicity of never having to worry about their website blowing up. A client of ours recently mentioned,

“I don’t know why you wouldn’t sign up for a care plan.”

wordpress care report overviewThe Website Care Report

The Website Care Report offers a monthly overview of all areas that affect the health status and performance of your website.

PS. Some WP Support Packages come with custom website updates – depending on your level of maintenance needs.

Website Updates

The first area of the report mentions the updates that have been performed during the reporting period. Theme/Plugin (and WordPress core) updates are important for a WordPress website, not only to take advantage of bug fixes & improvements but to eliminate any potential security issues that may be discovered ( and patched with the released updates ) during the reporting period.

Backup Report & Uptime Monitor

Next up you’ll see the backup report, mentioning the website backups initiated wordpress care report securityduring the reported period and the total number of available backup points in case the website needs to go back in time (for any reason, from unexpected loss of data, a security issue or even a design change). Additionally, the Uptime Monitor reports any outages the website may have. Uptime monitoring offers ease of mind that the website is always available to the users, as it should be under a managed web hosting environment.

Furthermore, the report includes a snapshot of the site’s statistics via the connected Google Analytics account. More advanced statistic reports are available directly within the Google Analytics dashboard, yet this overview offers quick access to some key statistics of the reporting period.

We asked Gwen [a client] to share what kind of results she’s seen since purchasing this type of WordPress Support in 2017. She told us, “peace of mind! I never have to give my website a second thought!” 

wpe report

Website Security Report

The Security section covers all the security scans that have been performed, from the actual checks on the filesystem for any vulnerabilities (e.g. from an outdated plugin) or malware files that may have been discovered, down to 3rd party checks for any reports that can affect the website’s security status (Web Trust). The proactive behavior towards updates that is mentioned earlier minimizes the security risks that could affect the website.

Website Performance

Lastly, the Performance report of the website focuses on two key grade tools, with wordpress care report performancePageSpeed Grade being the most important one as it’s developed by Google and it’s taken under account, indirectly or directly on how the website’s pages rank over time (organic rankings) and reflect on the experience a user will have while browsing the website, as a fast website will offer a better experience.

The report also includes some key indicators that often are heavily responsible for the final performance grades of your website and directly affect the user’s experience while browsing the website (e.g. the time it takes for the page to load). The PageSpeed & YSlow Grades do take under consideration a vast number of indicators that aren’t mentioned in depth in the report.

Looking for more? Check out our WordPress Support Packages and add-ons.

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